Upcoming Event: Meet and Greet the Democratic First Selectman Candidate!
Want to invest in Newtown’s future? Support Dan Cruson for First Selectman! DETAILS:WHEN: Wednesday July 12th, 6:00pm-8:00pmWHERE: Former Newtown Selectman James Gaston’s residence 18 Main St. Newtown, CT Recommended Donation $25/pp Come meet Democratic First Selectman Candidate, Dan Cruson, for a fun filled evening at the home of Former Newtown Selectman James Gaston. It will be a relaxed time to ask questions and share concerns…
Democratic First Selectman Candidate Announced!
CONGRATULATIONS DAN CRUSON!! Dan Cruson at the Edmond Town Hall announced this afternoon, June 7th, that he will be running as the Democratic candidate for First Selectman! Dan’s speech below: I was born and raised in Newtown, and have watched it change and evolve over 32 years of residency. I went to school here, and…
Successful Rally on May 30th!
Thank you Newtown for standing up against censorship and book banning. Together we strengthen our kids First Amendment’s rights. Thursday is the vote. Let’s continue our support for the experts, our teachers and our kids. On Thursday, make it clear to BOE that THERE IS NO PLACE FOR CENSORSHIP AND BOOK BANNING IN NEWTOWN! If…
Rally Against the Book Ban
What: Rally to support the unanimous decision of the Special Committee. Let your voices be heard that book banning has no place in Newtown! When: May 16 Where: Newtown High School, Right hand side lower parking area. When: 5:30pm This rally is directly before the Board of Education meeting which has been moved to the…
March Pints & Policy Recap
Thank you to State Representatives Sarah Keitt of Fairfield/Trumbull and Anne Hughes of Easton for leading legislative discussions and answering relevant questions that impact Newtown at our first Pints & Policy forum. Also, thank you to Perfusion Bar for graciously hosting our event. It was well attended with important discussions regarding: Be on the lookout…
Newtown Democrats Happy Hour
Join us this Tuesday January 28 from 7-9pm for our DTC Happy Hour at McGuire’s Ale House, 130 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Newtown. We’re celebrating our success in implementing the ACA in CT. All are welcome. Come down and enjoy a relaxing night with good food and friends. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=McGuire’s+Ale+House,+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,+Connecticut,+USA&aq=0&oq=McG130+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,Connecticut+USA&sll=41.418714,-73.355721&sspn=0.009896,0.021136&t=h&g=130+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,++Connecticut+USA&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=&ll=41.418707,-73.355713&spn=0.004827,0.006437&z=16&output=embed&w=300&h=300]
2013 Board of Education race results
DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS STATEMENT First, the Democratic Town Committee of Newtown (DTC) would like to congratulate all the candidates of both Parties who ran for office this election. Whether elected or not, you were winners. You honored yourselves, your family, your Party and your town by doing so. It is no small feat to…
Swearing-in Ceremony
Our newly elected and re-elected municipal officials took their oaths of office at a public swearing-in ceremony on Sunday December 1, 2013 in the Municipal Center. Congratulations to all and we look forward to your service. Lisa Romano – Legislative Council District 2 Michelle Embree Ku – Board of Education Board of Selectmen: James O.…
2013 Municipal Election Results
Here’s the official Head Moderator Tally from the November 5, 2013 election provided by Democratic Registrar LeReine Frampton. 2013 Tally sheets 11 13
Michelle Embree Ku and Laura Main – Our Board of Education Candidates
Reposted from Your Newtown Democratic Team blog on the Newtown Patch Jim Gaston, member of the town’s Board of Selectmen, has said, “Being an Elected Official on the Board of Education is perhaps the most difficult job one can have on any Town Board, Committee or Commission.” Both Democratic candidates to the Board, Michelle Embree…