Chris Lyddy resigns


We will let Chris say it….

Dear Friends:

It is with mixed emotions that I write to inform you of my decision not to run for re-election to the Connecticut General Assembly this November. My decision comes after significant thought and prayer, and after lengthy and heartfelt discussions with my colleagues, friends, and family. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve as Newtown’s state Representative for the last four years and am truly humbled by the support many of you have shown me over that time. While there was no single factor that lead me to this decision, not running for re-election will ensure that I have the time and energy to focus on professional and personal growth.

Throughout my time in office, I received thousands of e-mails, phone calls and letters from people in Newtown and have spent countless hours listening to testimony on issues impacting the children, families and elderly in our community. Hearing your concerns and learning about the issues important to each of you has enabled me to take the lead on several key initiatives at the state level. As a result of our work together, I am confident we made our community and state a better place to grow, learn, work, and live.

My hiatus from the political scene should not be interpreted as a departure from the belief that we have the greatest democracy in the world. In fact, it is the complete opposite. I am more confident in our democracy than when I was first elected. I believe in our system of government and am encouraged by your active participation in our system. Our democratic process, while messy and imperfect, gives us a framework for engaging people, often times with competing interests, in the process of shaping public policy. Each voice and perspective is important; however, it doesn’t mean we always have to agree. I appreciate those of you who have not only supported my positions but more importantly those of you who have challenged them. Your feedback and participation has undoubtedly made me a better representative.

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you, it is an experience I will not soon forget.

All my best,

Christopher Lyddy