Press Release 10.1.2013





The Newtown Democrats have an all-star lineup of some of the most qualified candidates to ever run for town office. We have looked back at history a bit to see what formula really seemed to work best for Newtown. It wasn’t surprising to see that the best system of civility, economics, taxes and education was when there was a more balanced political makeup of officials. No one person or one party has all the answers. Diversity of thoughts, opinions and ideas bring us a greater spectrum from which to solve problems and move forward. That’s what the Newtown Democratic candidates mean when they say RESTORE BALANCE.

Remember when we had a Blue Ribbon high school? Remember when we had a 3-3 balanced Board of Education? Remember when taxes were better? Remember when we had a 7-5 and 6-6 Legislative Council? BALANCE.

Today, Newtown needs the breadth of its citizenry to address the challenges. There are many important issues, including economic development, education, and taxes. RESTORING party BALANCE with exceptional Democratic candidates moves us forward in that direction.

The Newtown Democratic Town Committee is pleased to support our outstanding slate of candidates for the November 5th election:

Board of Selectmen                                     James Gaston, Sr.

Town Clerk                                                    Ann M. LoBosco Benore

Legislative Council District #1                   Thomas Dwyer
Ross Carley
Paul Lundquist

Legislative Council District #2                   Daniel Honan                                                                                                                                             Eric Paradis                                                                                                                                         Lisa Romano

Legislative Council District #3                    Daniel Amaral                                                                                                                                           Jane Bojnowski

Board of Finance                                          James Filan                                                                                         Michael Portnoy

Board of Education                                     Laura Main

Board of Education                                     Michelle Embree Ku

Planning & Zoning                                      Donald Mitchell

Planning & Zoning – alternate                   Rudy Pozek

Police Commission                                     Andy Sachs

Zoning Board of Appeals                           Alan Clavette

Zoning Board of Appeals – alternate        Herb Rosenthal

Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers    Mary Fellows

Please go to the Newtown Democratic Town Committee website and read about our superior candidates.