2013 Municipal Election Candidates


As this election cycle ramps up, we are proud to share our candidates for this November’s municipal election.

Board of Selectmen: James O. Gaston, Sr.
Town Clerk: Ann LoBosco Benore
Legislative Council District 1: Paul Lundquist, Tom Dwyer, Ross Carley
Legislative Council District 2: Daniel Honan, Lisa Romano, Eric Paradis
Legislative Council District 3: Dan Amaral
Board of Finance: Jim Filan, Michael Portnoy
Board of Education: Michelle Embree Ku, Laura Main
Planning and Zoning Commission: Don Mitchell
Planning and Zoning Alternate: Rudy Pozek
Zoning Board of Appeals: Alan Clavette
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate: Herb Rosenthal
Police Commission: Andy Sachs
Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers: Mary Fellows

As we move forward, we will be asking for you to get involved to help elect our Democratic ticket this year.
We will be holding events here in Newtown, such as phone banks and fundraisers. As these events come up, we will be reaching out to you, friends, and neighbors.
Can you spend a few hours and help us make a difference? Email us to volunteer: newtownctdems@gmail.com