Message from Ann LoBosco Benore – Our Candidate for Town Clerk


We’d like to share a message from Ann Benore, candidate for Town Clerk. This message was originally posted on our Your Newtown Democratic Team Blog on the Newtown Patch.

Ann Benore _1

On November 5th, the residents of Newtown will cast their ballots in the municipal election.  I am a candidate for Town Clerk and would like you to know why I am the best candidate, and why you should feel good about voting for me. Most important, I am well qualified and have an exceptional work ethic. My record demonstrates an ability to complete tasks in a timely manner and with particular attention to detail.  I will bring my extensive experience back to the Town Clerk’s Office and make sure the information available to the public is up-to-date and accurate.

The Town Clerk’s Office is the direct link between our community and the town government.  As the official keeper of municipal records, the Town Clerk must use proven and effective procedures to carry out the provisions of law.  Given the progress in information technology, and my firm grasp and understanding of it, I will be able to use staff more efficiently and offer additional services to taxpayers, as well. Some of these services will include:

  • Implement early/late office hours for the convenience of working residents.
  • Provide hunting/fishing licenses in the office.
  • Automatically send absentee ballots to permanently, physically disabled residents for every election to every voter who qualifies without having to reapply.
  • Offer training to real estate agents in the use of the town’s land records software.

In 2006, I began working in the Town Clerk’s Office where I spent more than four years serving the community.  After becoming a Certified Town Clerk in 2010, I was elected as the Borough Clerk for Newtown and am still serving in that position.  This position involves additional knowledge of typical Clerk work given the uniqueness and subtleties of Boroughs. For the past three years, I have served as a Case Manager with Newtown Social Services working closely with families in need, as well as many seniors requiring assistance.

Your vote for me will be a vote for the most experience, dedication and integrity in the Town Clerk’s Office.  Serving the community is a privilege to me.  I would be honored to have your vote on November 5th.  Thank you!