Swearing-in Ceremony


Our newly elected and re-elected municipal officials took their oaths of office at a public swearing-in ceremony on Sunday December 1, 2013 in the Municipal Center. Congratulations to all and we look forward to your service.

1Dec13 Romano swearing in Lisa Romano – Legislative Council District 2

1Dec13 Ku photo-2 Michelle Embree Ku – Board of Education

Board of Selectmen: James O. Gaston, Sr.
Legislative Council District 1: Paul Lundquist
Legislative Council District 2: Daniel Honan, Lisa Romano
Legislative Council District 3: Dan Amaral
Board of Finance: Jim Filan, Michael Portnoy
Board of Education: Michelle Embree Ku
Planning and Zoning Commission: Don Mitchell
Planning and Zoning Alternate: Rudy Pozek
Zoning Board of Appeals: Alan Clavette
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate: Herb Rosenthal
Police Commission: Andy Sachs
Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers: Mary Fellows