Upcoming Event: Meet and Greet the Democratic First Selectman Candidate!
Want to invest in Newtown’s future? Support Dan Cruson for First Selectman! DETAILS:WHEN: Wednesday July 12th, 6:00pm-8:00pmWHERE: Former Newtown Selectman James Gaston’s residence 18 Main St. Newtown, CT Recommended Donation $25/pp Come meet Democratic First Selectman Candidate, Dan Cruson, for a fun filled evening at the home of Former Newtown Selectman James Gaston. It will be a relaxed time to ask questions and share concerns…
March Pints & Policy Recap
Thank you to State Representatives Sarah Keitt of Fairfield/Trumbull and Anne Hughes of Easton for leading legislative discussions and answering relevant questions that impact Newtown at our first Pints & Policy forum. Also, thank you to Perfusion Bar for graciously hosting our event. It was well attended with important discussions regarding: Be on the lookout…
Anna Wiedemann to be honored at JJB on 5/15/14
Anna Wiedemann to be Honored at JJB Dinner 5/15/14 As the date (5/15) for our 4th Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner approaches, we are looking forward to honoring Anna Wiedemann. Everyone is invited, this is a bipartisan event. Wiedemann To Be Honored By DTC Originally posted by The Newtown Bee on Thursday April 24, 2014. This dinner honors her…
Newtown Democrats Happy Hour
Join us this Tuesday January 28 from 7-9pm for our DTC Happy Hour at McGuire’s Ale House, 130 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Newtown. We’re celebrating our success in implementing the ACA in CT. All are welcome. Come down and enjoy a relaxing night with good food and friends. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=McGuire’s+Ale+House,+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,+Connecticut,+USA&aq=0&oq=McG130+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,Connecticut+USA&sll=41.418714,-73.355721&sspn=0.009896,0.021136&t=h&g=130+Mount+Pleasant+Road,+Newtown,++Connecticut+USA&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=&ll=41.418707,-73.355713&spn=0.004827,0.006437&z=16&output=embed&w=300&h=300]
Swearing-in Ceremony
Our newly elected and re-elected municipal officials took their oaths of office at a public swearing-in ceremony on Sunday December 1, 2013 in the Municipal Center. Congratulations to all and we look forward to your service. Lisa Romano – Legislative Council District 2 Michelle Embree Ku – Board of Education Board of Selectmen: James O.…
Meet the Candidates – October 13, 2013
NEWTOWN DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 4, 2013 MEET THE CANDIDATES Castle Hill Farm, 25 Sugar Lane, Newtown Sunday, October 13th from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. The truly great thing about politics at the local level is that voters have enormous impact, and better opportunities to know the candidates personally. To give you…
Alan Clavette to be honored at JJB on 6/13/13
As the date (6/13) for our 3rd Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner approaches, we are looking forward to honoring Alan Clavette. Everyone is invited, regardless of party affiliation. Who is Alan Clavette? We could spend pages listing all his accomplishments and contributions to our community, however this interview in The Newtown Bee is a great place to…
Questioning Beliefs
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich shares his experiences at the Newtown Action Alliance demonstration at the NSSF on Demand Action Day. To learn more check out Questioning Beliefs on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
Save the date! June 13, 2013
Our third annual Jefferson Jackson Bailey Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. at The Villa Restaurant in Sandy Hook. This year we are honoring and paying tribute to Alan Clavette, our treasurer.
Come Celebrate our Owner/Operators
After 80 years of dedicated service to Newtown, we would like to help say thank you to all of our neighbors who have been bringing our children to and from school and being part of our community and helping out whenever people needed them. All Newtown Families Welcome Fairfield Hills, across from Reed School Friday,…