Anna Wiedemann to be honored at JJB on 5/15/14


Anna Wiedemann to be Honored at JJB Dinner 5/15/14

As the date (5/15) for our 4th Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner approaches,  we are looking forward to honoring Anna Wiedemann.  Everyone is invited, this is a bipartisan event.

Wiedemann To Be Honored By DTC
Originally posted by The Newtown Bee on Thursday April 24, 2014.

This dinner honors her service and devotion to the Newtown community. Anna has contributed her time and talents to our community for more than 25 years. We are proud to honor her this year and look forward to her volunteer works in the future.

Please come to the Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall in Newtown on May 15, 2014 to honor Anna Wiedemann.
Tickets are still available.

To make a reservation or post a message of thanks in the program book contact Jim Juliano at 203.426.0065 or email