So today 45 US Senators showed their true colors. YELLOW. Those 45 are more afraid to stand up to the NRA, the NSSF and other groups who are more interested in ensuring that the flow of weapons and instruments of death and destruction remain in our communities than working to ensure that people who should…
Questioning Beliefs
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich shares his experiences at the Newtown Action Alliance demonstration at the NSSF on Demand Action Day. To learn more check out Questioning Beliefs on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
Save the date! June 13, 2013
Our third annual Jefferson Jackson Bailey Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. at The Villa Restaurant in Sandy Hook. This year we are honoring and paying tribute to Alan Clavette, our treasurer.
NRA’s vile robocalls must end
The Newtown Democratic Town Committee has learned that the National Rifle Association has been sending robocalls to Sandy Hook School families and Newtown residents. Residents have also described post cards coming into their homes. The insensitivity of the NRA is astonishing, or is it? No organization could be so insensitive as to bombard with robocalls our Newtown…
NRA Robocalls
The NRA has been making robo-calls to SHS families. DTC member, Eric, shares his thoughts on the call he got Friday night. Go to the Democratic Voices page to read it.
Democratic Voices
The Newtown DTC is proud to announce our Democratic Voices Blog. On this page, we encourage the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Submissions are open to guest bloggers as well as DTC members. Our very first post is by our Vice-Chair Rich Boritz. Check it out on our Webpage and Comment on our Facebook…
We’re looking for a few good Democrats
The Newtown DTC is committed to finding good local candidates for office and working hard to get them elected for the benefit of the Newtown community. We need your support. Should I run for office? If you’re still reading this post, then you’ve probably thought about it. You want to find a way to make…
Ending Gun Violence
NEWTOWN DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS STATEMENT GUN VIOLENCE, AGAIN. Our hands covered our mouths. Our tears ran. Our faces dropped, and our hearts broke when we heard and watched violence against our children in Stockton, in Jonesboro, in Nickel Mines, at Columbine, at Virginia Tech, at Newtown, and sadly, many others. We are…
Volunteers Needed
Help is needed next week in two shifts, 20 people each shift – morning and afternoon at the Municipal Center sorting through all the mail that has come in for the families. We will be working in the Council chambers Monday through Friday. If you are able to help, please call me 203-426-XXXX or 203-417-XXXX…
Waiting on Absentees
With all the districts reporting, Lisa Romano is down by 88 votes for the 106th. There are about 1400 absentee ballots still out there.