Thanks for Celebrating our Fall Campaign Kickoff!
Thanks to all who came out on one pretty rainy night! We packed the Nest and even had Congressman Jim Himes join the fun in a pleasant surprise! Check out our guest speakers below: Congressman Himes Congresswoman Hayes Lt. Governor Bysiewicz
Meet the Candidates – October 13, 2013
NEWTOWN DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 4, 2013 MEET THE CANDIDATES Castle Hill Farm, 25 Sugar Lane, Newtown Sunday, October 13th from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. The truly great thing about politics at the local level is that voters have enormous impact, and better opportunities to know the candidates personally. To give you…
2013 Municipal Election Candidates
As this election cycle ramps up, we are proud to share our candidates for this November’s municipal election. Board of Selectmen: James O. Gaston, Sr. Town Clerk: Ann LoBosco Benore Legislative Council District 1: Paul Lundquist, Tom Dwyer, Ross Carley Legislative Council District 2: Daniel Honan, Lisa Romano, Eric Paradis Legislative Council District 3: Dan…
Budget Vote is 4/23!
This year the budget is divided into two pieces: The Board of Selectmen Budget and the Board of Education Budget. Voters will have the opportunity to vote on each budget separately. Per the Town Charter, in the event one budget fails and one is adopted, the budget which passes shall be considered adopted. Voters will…
So today 45 US Senators showed their true colors. YELLOW. Those 45 are more afraid to stand up to the NRA, the NSSF and other groups who are more interested in ensuring that the flow of weapons and instruments of death and destruction remain in our communities than working to ensure that people who should…
Put Public Safety Above Politics
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich reaches out to our senators and speaks from the heart on gun violence. To learn more check out Put Public Safety Above Politics on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
Questioning Beliefs
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich shares his experiences at the Newtown Action Alliance demonstration at the NSSF on Demand Action Day. To learn more check out Questioning Beliefs on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
NRA’s vile robocalls must end
The Newtown Democratic Town Committee has learned that the National Rifle Association has been sending robocalls to Sandy Hook School families and Newtown residents. Residents have also described post cards coming into their homes. The insensitivity of the NRA is astonishing, or is it? No organization could be so insensitive as to bombard with robocalls our Newtown…
NRA Robocalls
The NRA has been making robo-calls to SHS families. DTC member, Eric, shares his thoughts on the call he got Friday night. Go to the Democratic Voices page to read it.
Ending Gun Violence
NEWTOWN DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS STATEMENT GUN VIOLENCE, AGAIN. Our hands covered our mouths. Our tears ran. Our faces dropped, and our hearts broke when we heard and watched violence against our children in Stockton, in Jonesboro, in Nickel Mines, at Columbine, at Virginia Tech, at Newtown, and sadly, many others. We are…