Save the date! June 13, 2013
Our third annual Jefferson Jackson Bailey Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. at The Villa Restaurant in Sandy Hook. This year we are honoring and paying tribute to Alan Clavette, our treasurer.
NRA Robocalls
The NRA has been making robo-calls to SHS families. DTC member, Eric, shares his thoughts on the call he got Friday night. Go to the Democratic Voices page to read it.
Congressman Chris Murphy visits Newtown
Congressman Murphy came to Maplewood to discuss current issues facing Connecticut. The focus was on Medicare and other senior issues and some solutions to the radical plans presented in the proposed House budget. The proposed budget will turn Medicare over to for-profit corporations and end the guaranteed benefit system that has kept our seniors out…
DTC Leadership chosen!
Congratulations to Jim Juliano as he is re-elected as our Chairman for the next two years! The Vice-Chair will be Rich Boritz and Secretary will be LeReine Frampton and returning as Treasurer is Alan Clavette. Many thanks to Jan Brookes and Anna Weidemann for their service over the last two years.