Michelle Embree Ku and Laura Main – Our Board of Education Candidates
Reposted from Your Newtown Democratic Team blog on the Newtown Patch Jim Gaston, member of the town’s Board of Selectmen, has said, “Being an Elected Official on the Board of Education is perhaps the most difficult job one can have on any Town Board, Committee or Commission.” Both Democratic candidates to the Board, Michelle Embree…
Message from Ann LoBosco Benore – Our Candidate for Town Clerk
We’d like to share a message from Ann Benore, candidate for Town Clerk. This message was originally posted on our Your Newtown Democratic Team Blog on the Newtown Patch. On November 5th, the residents of Newtown will cast their ballots in the municipal election. I am a candidate for Town Clerk and would like you…
Put Public Safety Above Politics
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich reaches out to our senators and speaks from the heart on gun violence. To learn more check out Put Public Safety Above Politics on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
Questioning Beliefs
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich shares his experiences at the Newtown Action Alliance demonstration at the NSSF on Demand Action Day. To learn more check out Questioning Beliefs on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
Democratic Voices
The Newtown DTC is proud to announce our Democratic Voices Blog. On this page, we encourage the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Submissions are open to guest bloggers as well as DTC members. Our very first post is by our Vice-Chair Rich Boritz. Check it out on our Webpage and Comment on our Facebook…