Democratic Primary – August 9th!


Tuesday, August 9th is the Democratic Primary for the 2022 election. There are two offices that have primary competitions; State Treasurer and the Secretary of the State. Not sure what they do? That’s ok, take a look at the links below and get your information!

Not sure where to vote? Don’t worry, we got you! There was a redistricting this year and the polling places have changed along with the district you may be in. Confirm your information and where you are voting on August 9th and in November!

Office of the State Treasurer: Get info on the candidates: Party Endorsed Erick Russell, Karen Dubois-Walton and Dita Bhargava

The Office of the Treasurer includes an Executive Office as well as six divisions, each with specific responsibilities:, Cash Management, Debt Management, Management Services, Pension Funds Management, Second Injury Fund, and Unclaimed Property. The functions of the Treasurer’s Office are outlined below.

The Executive Office is responsible for overall policy, planning and general administration designed to:

  1. Enhance the financial integrity and soundness of Treasury operations,
  2. Provide direction and leadership in carrying out Treasury functions and
  3. Foster economic well-being of the state and its citizens and businesses within the confines of fiduciary standards.

The Office oversees the Treasury’s corporate governance program, which was developed in accordance with its fiduciary duty to prudently manage the State’s pension assets. The Office is active in promoting environmental, social and governance best practices among the companies that comprise the public equity portfolio of the Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds (“CRPTF”).

The Office also promotes financial education, serving as a catalyst and advocate for financial literacy for residents across the state. Other specific activities include legislative affairs, public information, responsible investment relations, management services, legal services, compliance, and community outreach.

The main objective of the Executive Office is to ensure that the Treasury adheres to the highest order of public values, fiscal prudence and ethics in the conduct of the people’s business. 

Office of the Secretary of State: Get info on the candidates: Party Endorsed Stephanie Thomas, and Maritza Bond

Our Vision

“Our vision is to be the leader in providing prompt quality service, increasing access to information, and promoting participation in the democratic process.”

Our Mission

Through the commitment of a knowledgeable staff and advanced technology, the Office of the Secretary of the State works as a team to provide a wide range of services for the people and businesses of Connecticut.

We are a repository of records for the State, and provide important information and resources regarding business and commercial filings, elections, and authentication as prescribed by the constitution, and federal and state laws.

We seek to support business development opportunities, and foster a more inclusive political process by educating, informing and engaging communities in youth and civic preparation.

Statutory Authority and Organization

The Secretary of the State is designated by the Constitution and General Statutes of Connecticut as the official keeper of a wide array of public records and documents.  The office is a vital source of information regarding various businesses, commercial lenders, elections, legislation, regulations and other areas, and responds to more than 600,000 requests for information annually. It also publishes, distributes and sells the State Register and Manual and other publications.

Connecticut law makes the Secretary of the State responsible for the administration of many aspects of business law including the approval of all certificates of incorporation, organization and dissolution, as well as annual and biennial reports.  Trademarks are registered here as well.  

As Commissioner of Elections for the State of Connecticut, the Secretary is charged with administering, interpreting and implementing election laws and ensuring fair and impartial elections. Pursuant to the terms of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, the Secretary has the same responsibility for federal elections.