Municipal Campaign Training School Registration is ready for you!


Hello friends and family. Its that time again! Your local elections are coming up this November. Lots of folks across the state are starting to think about running for a local office or thinking of how to help Democrats get elected to those offices. Well, we can help!

This is our third installment of the Municipal Campaign Training School. Everything will be online this year and while we will miss seeing you all in one place for a full day of classes and workshops, we are spacing things out through the month of March. Classes will be on Thursday and Friday evenings, plus two sessions on Saturday mornings. There is no overlapping, so you will be able to attend all the sessions if you so choose.

While this is a fundraiser for us here in Newtown, we are asking for a $10 donation per class or you can have access to everything for $50. Let us know if you are not able to donate and we will help out. There are 13 unique sessions as of right now and we may be adding some more over the next few weeks.

Take a look at the schedule and descriptions. Registration is live and underway. Any questions, please send us an email. Thanks!