Put Public Safety Above Politics
New post on Democratic Voices by Rich Boritz. Rich reaches out to our senators and speaks from the heart on gun violence. To learn more check out Put Public Safety Above Politics on our blog and Comment on our Facebook page! Please email your submission to newtownctdems@gmail.com.
NRA Robocalls
The NRA has been making robo-calls to SHS families. DTC member, Eric, shares his thoughts on the call he got Friday night. Go to the Democratic Voices page to read it.
Ending Gun Violence
NEWTOWN DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMMITTEE PRESS STATEMENT GUN VIOLENCE, AGAIN. Our hands covered our mouths. Our tears ran. Our faces dropped, and our hearts broke when we heard and watched violence against our children in Stockton, in Jonesboro, in Nickel Mines, at Columbine, at Virginia Tech, at Newtown, and sadly, many others. We are…
Budget cuts are impacting Park & Rec hours.
Due to the Town of Newtown’s BOARD OF SELECTMEN ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL’S LUMP SUM REDUCTION OF $119,685 (ON 06/06/2012) Eichler’s Cove Beach will open one hour later than scheduled starting July 1- Labor Day. Eichler’s Cove Beach New Schedule: 12:00pm -7:00pm Monday – Friday July 1st Through August 31st. 11:00am-7:00pm Saturday & Sunday…