Raghib Endorsed for the 2nd District


Congratulations to Raghib Allie-Brennan on earning the Danbury News-Times endorsement for the 2nd CT General Assembly District.  Raghib’s background in behind the scenes work as a Legislative Aide to two different Congresswomen in Washington DC has prepared him for getting work done.  “Working in the minority party, he learned how to work in a bipartisan fashion.”  

One critical aspect in this election for the CT General is the ability to fight for change from within and Raghib has the skills to stand up and take action that will help Newtown, the 2nd district and the state of Connecticut.  The News-Times noted that “He does not intend to toe the party line.”  We need people to stand up for what is right for Newtown and right for the state.  We believe Raghib will do just that.

Raghib also stands tall for common sense gun safety legislation.  While his opponent called the CT laws that are keeping families safer “draconian”, Raghib stands with us, not the NRA, not the NSSF.  If you are in the 2nd District, we urge you to vote for Raghib.  

For the full News-Times endorsement:  http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Endorsement-Raghib-Allie-Brennan-for-the-2nd-10528680.php