Newtown BOE Update


Support Our Students, Schools, and Educators!

Thank you to all who attended yesterday’s rally (May 16th, 2023) at Newtown High School. A very special thank you to our wonderful speakers @Michelle Ku, @Jim Gaston, @Keith Alexander, @Teresa O’Sullivan, @Tim Stan, @Trent Harrison. We solidly stood as one in support of the experts and against censorship through book banning.

After the rally we attended the BOE meeting that is frankly beginning to feel like the movie Ground Hog Day. Large audience appears, large audience speaks against banning books, republicans refuse to vote against banning books.


Larger audience appears, larger audience speaks against banning books, republicans refuse to vote against banning books. Now we get yet another repeat on June 6. It is abundantly clear that it’s not about the crowd size, nor the eloquent, sometimes poignant arguments from the members of this town that the republican majority have their own agenda and remain steadfastly unwilling to listen to the experts, the School Superintendent or the people of Newtown. They soldier on marching to their own drum beat of delay, delay and delay. Perhaps they expect us to tire? Regardless of other business that this board needs to attend to for the sake of our schools, the republican majority seems fixated on securing their own agenda.

Last night we witnessed one of the most disingenuous and dishonorable displays of partisanship that we have ever witnessed in this town. Notwithstanding these shameful tactics, we will press on because it is not about the will of four people but the will of THE people in this town. However many times they want to replay this shameful farce, we will continue to show up, and the numbers and opposition will continue grow. We stand with the experts, the teachers, the students and the people of Newtown who know that there is no place for censorship through book banning in Newtown