Having taught in the Newtown Public Schools for 35 years, I bring to the table a wealth of knowledge about the philosophy of the district and how it can be better implemented. Seventeen years teaching math and science in a cluster setting and then eighteen years in the Discovery Gifted Program has enabled me to posture myself with parents, administration and staff to best understand the current pulse of the town in terms of perception of our school system. The concerns of this mega million dollar education business presents questions and subsequent answers that can be facilitated by someone who knows where to seek correct solutions to serious issues.
Twelve years after the residents of Newtown elected me to my first term on the Board of Education, I can proudly say that with my BOE colleagues, I have been instrumental in helping to deliver an atmosphere that certainly fosters MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT. I cite the following initiatives that I am proud to have been involved in for your consideration of my re-election:
- Revitalization and renewed articulation of the Gifted Program (Project Challenge) grades 4-8 with adequate staffing
- Enhancement of the elementary enrichment program
- Voting to hire a stellar Superintendent, an Assistant Superintendent, and a Director of Teaching and Learning to lead us in MAINTAINING AND ENHANCING this school district
- Endorse and support Superintendent’s Culture and Climate Committee and Paraeducator Committee addressing union/BOE issues in a setting that promotes the best interests of all parties—net result, a win-win for children
- Endorsing K-8 reading program per State mandate
- Ensure all buses have arrived on time at all schools following the results of the School Start Time initiative of 2017, thereby enabling efficient use of instructional time
- Participate on the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, wherein years of unattended BOE-endorsed curricula have now been adopted, filed on RUBICON, with a trajectory that has already monitored and adjusted 4-8 math courses, offering challenging classes for all children and parents enabling them to relate to academic rigor and science course selections (HS)
- Continue to discuss K-12 science as it relates to science alignment with math curricula, especially in grades 9-12, AND to present a detailed articulation to parents of science/math course trajectories; accomplished through K-12 web
- Support a World Language Spanish immersion program in Kindergarten through grade 6 with 30 minutes per week
- Establish a High School Athletic Parent Advisory Committee to revisit philosophy and best practices in all sports at the high school under the direction of the Director of Athletics
- Address supervisory special education positions and to pay close attention to restructuring all aspects of special education services
- Restructuring MS course election to enhance Project Adventure and establish a Kitchen Science curriculum
This “Spirit of Newtown” I spoke of years ago has now become the COLLABORATIVE SPIRIT OF NEWTOWN. Past and current Superintendents have steadfastly inspired the BOE to be collaborative with other boards. Despite personal challenges on the BOE, successful voting tallies have ensured the children an atmosphere of MAINTENANCE and ENHANCEMENT—certainly MY primary concern. In collaboration with many of my BOE colleagues, it was possible to attain and, in many cases, surpass my expectations.
As an elected member of the Board of Education, I will continue to:
- Address learning loss recovery through sustained services and programs that support our community
- Continue monitoring district goals as they relate to the Board’s long-range Strategic Plan
- Work closely with the Superintendent, BOE colleagues, and administrative staff to craft a yearly budget that accounts for changes in enrollment while meeting the educational needs of students
- Prioritizing major capital projects as part of the Capital Improvement Plan discussions
In collaboration with Chris Melillo, I can address and vote on any issues always mindful of student involvement and outcomes. While considerable BOE dialogue is fostered, it strives to be respectful and the eventual voting is, I must confess, individually member driven. It is a tiring (and many say thankless) position I hold; however, I am thanked more times than I am not. With Chris Melillo leading the district, I wish to continue to be part of his leadership team.
I am certain there have been times when my opinion and actions have been questioned as I base all that I do only on best for children…not on what is best, necessarily for adults. With that being said, I know when I put my head to bed my passion and heart have never wavered. And that is what I have as my legacy of services, then and for the next four years as a proud member of the Newtown Board of Education.