Its Campaign Time


We know most people are watching the Presidential Election and the ups and downs of the different campaigns.  While back here in CT we have our Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty running to keep her seat in the US House of Representatives and Senator Dick Blumenthal fighting to keep fighting for all of CT in the US Senate.

Locally there are several races that could have more direct impact on our day to day lives, yet do not get the attention they deserve.

Newtown has representation in Hartford as well as in Washington DC.  We have several seats open and people stepping up to represent us and our interests in Hartford and here at home.

The 106th CT General Assembly district covers most of Newtown, while many districts in the state cover parts of several towns, the 106th encompasses only Newtown.  If you haven’t met Eva Bermudez Zimmerman yet as she meets voters and residents, you will likely see her soon!  She brings a wealth of organizing experience, she has testified countless times in front of the general assembly on pending legislation and its time we had someone in Hartford to work for all of Newtown.

The 28th State Senate district covers Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Wilton and Westport.  Phil Dwyer’s years of dedication to public service at the YMCA and as Chair of the Fairfield Board of Education highlight his fiscal commonsense and forward thinking as he has serviced families and communities in need for over 20 years.

Elections are not an easy thing to run and oversee, yet LeReine Frampton has done just that in Newtown for quite some time.  She ensures that the processes run smoothly and each voter gets to have their say at the ballot.  When there are challenges, she meets them head on and works with the Secretary of State’s office to ensure that Newtowns elections run as they should.

Probate Judges are there for families when there are challenges that require sensitivity, understanding and foresight.  Sharon Wicks Dornfeld has been an attorney working in the probate system for years.  She has first hand knowledge of the court system and the complex issues that are facing families seeking help from the courts.

A small slice of Newtown will have the chance to vote for Raghib Allie-Brennen in the 2nd CT Assembly District.  Raghib has been active as a legislative aide at the federal level which has given him the background to know how to advocate for his constituents.