My husband and I moved to Sandy Hook in February 2022 when we found the perfect place to downsize. We’re very happy with our decision; however, since moving, two things have changed which have compelled me to run for office: Repeal of the Reusable Bag Ordinance and most recently, the attempt to ban books in the Newtown High School.
Previously I lived in Fairfield and for more than a decade, I served on the local legislative body called the Representative Town Meeting. During that service, I led the charge for a Reusable Bag Ordinance that took ten years to pass. It finally passed — unanimously — when Fairfield voted in a democratic majority. Which means it really wasn’t a partisan issue after all.
Last, during my service, I maintained exemplary attendance and consistently supported the town budget, town projects and town employee contracts. This meant I supported education (which is why I was disappointed with the recent attempted book ban and successfully advocated to stop it), public safety, and making sure we kept a responsible contingency fund in place.a
Letters & Endorsements
Newtown Bee Sept 14th – Pledging To Bring Commitment, Experience, And Advocacy