Announcing our Democratic Slate for the Nov 2019 election!


The Newtown Democrats came together on a steamy July evening to elect our candidates for the fall election.  Since the 2017 election, we have accomplished a lot and are ready to keep moving forward.  Dan and Maureen have done a great job and are looking to keep the good things coming!

1st Selectman – *Dan Rosenthal

Board of Selectmen – *Maureen Crick Owen

Board of Education – *Rebekah Harriman-Stites and *John Vouros

Board of Finance – *Keith Alexander, *Steve Hinden, *Ned Simpson and Chris Gardner

Legislative Council District 1 – *Judit DeStefano, *Paul Lundquist, *Chris Eide

Legislative Council District 2 – *Jordana Bloom, *Daniel Honan, Clinton DePaolo

Legislative Council District 3 – *Chris Smith, Carol Walsh, Alison Plante

Planning and Zoning – *Corinne Cox, *Benjamin Toby

Planning and Zoning Alternates – *David Rosen, Andrew Marone

Zoning Board of Appeals – *Ross Carley,  *Prerna Rao

Zoning Board of Appeals Alternates – *Joe Bojnowski, *Christina Paradis

Police Commission – *Joan Plouffe, *Joel Faxon

ETH Board of Managers – *Herb Rosenthal and  *Lisa Schwartz (2 year term to fill vacancy)

Board of Assessment Appeals – *Alex Villamil, Brynn Cullen

Congrats to all our candidates!  Special thanks for all the work the incumbents (*) have done over the past 18 months!