CT Redistricting is wrapping up


The State House of Representatives district map has been redrawn.

They are posted at the Secretary of the State’s website.
The State Democratic Party has released a more interactive map to check out!
There are three layers, which you can toggle on and off: The new districts, the new districts showing incumbents, and town boundaries. 

State Senate has been completed as of 11/23/21. Check out the new State Senate Districts!

So some changes in both spaces. Newtown’s State Representatives will now only be 2 people, one in the 106th district, which holds most of Newtown and then our northern part of town which will be part of the 107th district with Brookfield.

We are no longer a part of the 2nd District, which has been admirably represented by Raghib Allie-Brennan from Bethel and the small part of Newtown by Monroe which was part of the 112th district is now part of the 106th as well.

In the State Senate, for Newtown, nothing changed. The entire town is still part of the 28th Senate District. That district is now all of Fairfield, Easton, Newtown and part of Bethel. We are no longer with a part of Westport and Weston.