Successful Rally on May 30th!
Thank you Newtown for standing up against censorship and book banning. Together we strengthen our kids First Amendment’s rights. Thursday is the vote. Let’s continue our support for the experts, our teachers and our kids. On Thursday, make it clear to BOE that THERE IS NO PLACE FOR CENSORSHIP AND BOOK BANNING IN NEWTOWN! If…
THE BOE MAJORITY IS PLAYING RIGHT INTO IT. BOOK BANNING WILL BRING EXPENSIVE LAWSUITS TO OUR TOWN “Children in a democracy must not be taught that books are dangerous. The freedom to read is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.” Write a letter to the Newtown Board of Education: newtownboe@newtown.k12.ct.us Put this in the subject line:…
April Pints and Policy
We had a good turnout and discussion April 26th at our second Pints & Policy gathering at Perfusion Bar in Newtown. We’re grateful for Jennine from Congresswoman Jahana Hayes’ office who joined us. We need your help too. Please email the BoE ASAP and put this in the subject line: IN OPPOSITION TO BOOK BANNING…