Let’s Work Together on Town Budget


From the Newtown Bee, 3/7/2025
Discusses Town Budget

To the Editor:

Has your household budget increased? I’m a senior on a fixed income, and I watch every penny I spend. Every time I go to the grocery store, prices have gone up substantially. And how about those electric bills? And health insurance?

If we’re feeling the pinch in our household budgets, imagine how difficult it is for the people who need to develop an acceptable budget for the town — and get it passed — given the increases they’re facing. Just as we have to pay more every year for certain essentials, so does our town.

Some of the main reasons why our town budget is increasing this year are impossible to change, just like some of our household increases. One is the increased Eversource bills that we’re all paying; I am paying for the electricity for one home; the town has to pay for electricity for a lot of buildings. Imagine how those costs have increased!

Medical benefits are another huge cost increase this year. Have your insurance costs gone up like mine have? I represent one family; imagine how much the cost of the insurance program that includes all of Newtown’s employees has increased? This is another one of the items that we have no control over.

Another unavoidable area of increase to the town budget is the compensation packages of our employees. These increases are contractual; we have no choice but to pay them.

The Newtown budget process is not about politics; it’s about reality. And the reality is that if we continue to blame the other side for our problems, we will never really solve them.

I am horrified by the partisan divisiveness and the blame that I hear all around me in Newtown as well as nationally. Let’s not succumb to it. Let’s work together to keep Newtown the wonderful place I’ve lived in and loved for nearly 30 years.

Richard Hungaski