Planning and Zoning Commission


Planning & Zoning Commission is responsible to promote the orderly and coordinated development of the Town and the general welfare and prosperity of its residents. The Commission controls and directs the use and development of property in a municipality or a large part of it by dividing it into zoning districts. The Commission regulates the principal and accessory uses permitted  within these districts.

The Commission is an elected board consisting of five (5) regular members and three (3) alternates. The Commission meets the first and third Thursday of every month at the Newtown Municipal Center. Meetings start at 7:00 P.M. (Alternates’ terms – 2 years, 3 members, not more than 2 from one party).

Current Members

Meeting Minutes

From the Town Charter:

2-130 Planning and Zoning Commission (a) Summary of General Responsibilities: The Planning and Zoning Commission is responsible to promote the orderly and coordinated development of the Town. The Commission controls and directs the use and development of property in the Town. The Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the provisions of this Charter, shall have all of the powers and duties conferred and imposed by the General Statutes upon both Planning and Zoning Commissions. It acts as the Planning Commission for the Borough of Newtown and shall, to the extent that it is so empowered by ordinance of the Borough of Newtown, act as Zoning Commission for the Borough of Newtown.

(b) Membership and Terms: (1) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of 5 members and three alternates. (2) The term of office for members and alternates shall be four years and two years, respectively.