Mr. John Vouros
Although now retired seven years, I have followed the work of the Newtown school community and the board of education from a distance with both admiration and applause.
If Newtown looks to continue to be a district of learning distinction, the focus must always remain on what is best for children. The school board must continue to focus on how their hard work enhances student outcomes. In order to have a deep and meaningful understanding of this focus area it is an absolute must that school board members are exceptional listeners and respected community leaders.
Over my 20 years as a CT superintendent I know of no one who has demonstrated this community connection better than John Vorous. Descriptors which first come to play with John are highly intelligent, deep into common sense, ability to relate to all, and a very unique character trait that defuses even the most intense situation so everyone is able to return to the work at hand.
My belief is that communities who genuinely care about children look to empower leaders that are always honest, and those who have the strength to do what is right all of the time.
Personally, I worked with a terrific board of education during my tenure as your former superintendent. John Vorous was an integral part of the rebuilding success formula and he remains steadfast more than a decade later with that same desire to continue to change the lives of all Newtown learners.
It is my belief that no one that I have ever worked with or for has a greater passion for doing what is right all the time for children. Thus, when it is time for you to cast your ballot to reconstitute the board of education the first lever you look to pull is Mr. John Vouros, someone that I admire, respect, and trust.
Dr Joseph Erardi