Social Justice in Newtown

How do we work to make our home a better one for all of our neighbors? How do we improve social justice and equity in all that we do? There is a lot of work to be done and our members have been working on town boards and committees as well as community organizations to help understand what can be done as a town and as individuals as well as what role the various governmental boards can play in making a better home for everyone.

Below are some links to various sources, these have not been vetted by the DTC, but are places to start understanding perspectives and the things each of us can do. This list is short and not complete, it never could be. But it can be a starting point to help understand different perspectives and things that each of us can do to help make things better right here in our home.

Our own CH Booth Library is a good place to start!

The University of Washington’s Anti-Racism resource page has a lot of articles and information.

The Anti-Defamation League has a lot of resources on combatting hate.

The NAACP has a broad issues page with a wealth of information on current efforts to change.

The American Association of People with Disabilities has a lot of information on advocacy issues.

The Autism Self-Advocacy Network helps folks with ASD make their voice heard.

The Resource Sharing Project has pages of information and links to other organizations.

The Shriver Center on Poverty Law has been at this for over 50 years.

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has been working on social justice for more than 30 years.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice has a variety of resources to better understand social justice.

The League of United Latin American Citizens has an advocacy page of information.

The National Association of the Deaf has a wide variety of resources.